Continuing from the lasty entry about Touhou 1st Grand Prix, a sort of comedy show featuring Touhous released at Comiket. Speaking of Comiket, it has already started!
Damn, I wish I was in Japan right now buying tons of porn from those tiny fun looking people.
About the video, it basically features Flandre And Remi doing funny stuff and talking about saving Sakuya from a fire. Flandre is just lovely~~
They basically packed a whole bunch of references into 7 minutes. At first I thought they made obscure references to something only nips know, but no, some lines are just plain silly. So if you think some jokes are not really funny and they just forced fake laughters to it, you might be right. Still, it compensates with fast paced voices and random images showing up on screen, so it's pretty funny overall.
Flandre sitting on a bench receiving signal from Remi's cellphone.
Some Touhou video about maids doing hair. I've been taking things easy these last days since eating myself to death with Christmas food didn't work this year either.
4000 daily calorie diet is not as dangerous as they say, proof is that I'm still alive. I'll continue to update my blog and start eating healthy again. It's amazing what one can do with a blender these days, given the right ingredients.
Some vocal arrange of Patchy's theme called Locked Girl. I love Patchy because she is so anemic and probably anorexic because of staying all day inside the library and not taking enough sun light.
But then that blonde dike shows up spoiling all the fun for her. Not only she's trying to take the atractive out of Patchy, but is also cheating on Alice who's probably waiting for her warmly, thinking about her while playing with her Marisa doll.
Anyway, Alice is not so innocent as to not take advantage when the time is right.
I don't blame her. Who could resist that purple dress~~
Some more stupid Japanese videos were every popular character dances to the same catchy repetitive song.
This is very much like Caramel Dansen, but this time it's the song Colinda by French group Soeur Plus.
The girls are very cute, anyway. Also, the middle video is from NicoNico (because Youtube has that video on bad quality only) so be sure to click on the comment box to disable the spamming wwwww coments~~
Here's more of this lovely duo. I decided to use this video because of how well it's made. Notice how the author manages to turn a posibly monotonous video into one really cute and fun to watch. He manages to do so by making unexpected changes at the right time. Some examples:
The captions say Yuka Reimu Reimu*. That asterisk was unexpected.
You see how Yukari is happily dancing while Reimu seems to be ashamed but as the dance goes on, she loosens up.
The images in between each dance routine provide an interesting change of tone.
The author avoids having to end the dance with a bow or something silly by stopping the animation near the end (or maybe that's just how the video was uploaded since the original is a flash animation. Actually, maybe the original flash was looping endlessly, but who knows).
You'll have to excuse me commenting on such insignificant details, but I study screenplay and narratory, so I tend to focus on stupid things like that. Anyway, as usual I'm adding some pics~~
The best Touhou pics feature Reimu. Sadly, I don't have those pics. ;_;
Here, have a manzai skit (Japanese comedy) featuring Touhous. Alice wants to rent a house on the human world and Marisa tries to help her rehearsal.
This is part of a tournament of some sort where the winner at this particular version gets the Hourai Elixir that keeps the user from aging. The show goes out on new year's eve at the Comiket so I'm looking forward for the 5th release now and hopefully the appearance of Kogasa♥♥.
I'm not posting all of them because some are too bad and they're all the same anyway. There are usually two actors, one is the "sane" and the other is the "insane", something like Laurel & Hardy. I choose this one because I love Alice, not because of Marisa. Actually, I hate her but don't tell anyone.
Also, have a radom pic to make it look like a good post.
Hi! This is a special post because I'm uploading a Google Chrome theme I made. I've also embeded Kogasa's theme song just for fun.You see, I love Kogasa, but I couldn't find a browser theme of her so I decided to make my own. It wasn't that hard after all. Here's a screenshot:
I love it because as you open new tabs, rainy Kogasa shows up. I saw from Google analytics that most of the visitor use Firefox, so sorry if his is not useful. Yet, I hope some Kogasa lover comes by.
The images are very large so it's okay for bigger resolutions (I'm using 1280x1024).
If you like the theme and want to share it, edit it or whatever, go ahead. Do whatever you want with it. I will even add the image files I used in chase you find them useful in some way.
This is one of my favorite Chirno songs because they use a different voice this time, which gives her a sexier feel. Sadly, this song is relatively new, so there are no english lyrics. The song is about how Chirno is going to defeat the other fairies not by being the strongest but by taking a thermal bath and becoming pretty. Sadly I don't know Japanese, but the phrase + = -K got me puzzled.
Then I remembered Chirno has a spell card called "Freeze Sign: Minus K", so the meaning is pretty dumb as usual. Going under 0°K means below absolute zero.
And so on. I don't care about the rest anyway. I wonder what I'm doing writting on my blog at 4 a.m.
Anyway, Chirno pics~~!
She writes "Chiruno". ⑨oogle says "Don't you mean ⑨"?
Please, have some delicious flat chest song from Silver Forest.
Not related, but I feel there's something very wrong going on with Touhou. This fucking fandom of teenagers is destroying all that's left from the series. All this loli/lesbian girl, hardcore porn, gore and over repetitive song beats seem to be on vouge with stupid yaoi writters and closet faggots.
I'm seriously thinking on deleting this blog because I just don't some idiot kid to find out about Touhou through here. Yet, sometimes I say "fuck it, I can't monopolize Touhou". For the time being, I'll keep going with this blog and I'm throwing a nice pic as well. Guess what's inside the coffin. Yep, it's Touhou.
I'll just let the video speak for itself. But I will also throw in some pics of Reimu + Yukari so you get an insight on their adorable relationship and perhaps you'll love them as much as I do.
This video is about Yamaxanadu, the judge of the souls and so on. This is another example of Touhou rap, maybe, I don't really know about rap genders. I really don't care, but the lyrics are fun as always and involve flat chests, lolis and actions against the pudor.
Well, I also like her clothes. I'm also placing an image of her just because I noticed that when you use the dashboard, the videos don't appear next to the text of the entry, but the pics do.
TL;DR: another hot loli girl
We now face an awesome video about Orin dancing Thriller. Orin is the girl-cat that carts away corpses, so there's no surprise with both being related. Anyway, have an Orin + Chirno pic.
Yes, so we have more Touhou crossover with something else. This time it's Rythm Tengoku (Rythm Heaven), some japanese game for GBA where you have do do certain random tasks along with the rythm.
Well, I chose these videos because I find them entertaining. It's sorta like story-telling, because you see some random action and then an unexpected outcome takes place. Oh yeah, and it's also educational because it obviously is for children, tho. So you better be chillin'. Dig?
Also, just so you know, Touhou Project is NOT an anime. It's a game. (。◕‿‿◕。)
This time we have a not very well known character, Hatate. She appears on Touhou's Double Spoiler, were you get to take pictures of the danmaku patterns. Anyway, she's the enemy of Aya and she is also a Tengu.
So you might be wondering what is bakkoi. Well, it appears to be just some random word, but maybe it's something like baka + kakkoi, baka being idiot and kakkoi being how they call people that dress "cool". Some people might disagree, but I really don't care.
Hi there! Please, enjoy this awesome video featuring Hina, the doll that takes away curses. The video is very cute because everyone that listens to her ends up being caught by her pendulum movement.
Oh, yeah, and she likes to spin, so have some spinning gifs for your delight.
Hi there! I'm posting one of the most famous IOSYS PVs out there. You might be puzzled about the lyrics and the title. Well, it's actually kinda silly. Udongein is the rabbit girl on suit and she throws bullets that look like a suppository, so that's why~~ And the song is just about her red eyes and stuff like that. The video has lyrics, just enable the comments.
On other news, I was just browsing some famous image board looking to discuss some VN and Touhou stuff, but since *you know what* happened I decided to take it easy and went for dessert. So I made this cute image, do enjoy:
Here we have the Alice + Patchi + Marisa rap or something like that. I really don't like that sort of music, but the lyrics are kinda fun. Plus, it's Alice and I love her so I must love her video as well.
On a related subject, many people like ZUN's official art and many other think it's crap. Personally, I like the silly poses and cute faces of the chars, so please have some pics from my private collection.
Left: Original.
Touhou featuring Macross 7 opening, some 90's mecha anime. It's always fun to compare both videos involved on a parody, as in those games where one finds the 7 differences on a drawing. So, here's the original opening for reference.
I love Alice at 1:16. Alice is my waifu, I love her and will mary her some day, I swear. Have some pics of her (last one is a .gif because i love .gifs).
This is not my favorite song, but I like Unidentified Fantastic Object (12th Touhou game release) and Donald Duck, so I've added this video. Also, see any resemblance?
This girl right here is Chiyuri Kitashirakawa, from Phantasmagoria of Dimensional Dream (3rd Touhou game release on 1997). As you can see, Touhou is actually retro in a sense, so maybe that's why it got so popular. Japanese guys keep taking retro references out of nowhere, perhaps someone just rediscovered Touhou a few years ago and there's the story.
This is my favorite Touhou original theme, plus Flandre is incredibly hot because she's so young and so on. Don't mind the song title, ZUN was just probably drunk when he chose it. Maybe it was just to make her look "western", since that phrase comes from some novel where there was some unkown character and if you read the whole phrase it sounds like "unkown". Also, you might relate the song with some faggot meme involving Ronald McDonald, so here you go (it gets progressively worse):
This song is a parody from the phrase Waki Miko Reimu, which is some sort of reference to her exposed armpits. The video doesn't have subs, but they're not really important since the vocals make no sense anyway, she's just saying something about snacks, money and sake. Also, have some cute Reimu pics:
I'm throwing in some nice music for pumping iron at the gym, although if you don't speak japanese it won't be very useful. The video has lyrics, so maybe you could still use it for something, idk.
The middle character is Okuu, the girl on the right is Satori and the left one is Orin - nyan~~! (notice she has four ears)
We have some more Suika in here, now with significantly better artwork. Apparently, this song is about Suika's club. She's an oni, so she is supposed to be drunk all the time, yet she manages to sing pretty well.
We have some more Tewi in here. Some people say it's enough, but I tend to disagree. There are some references to NicoNico videos and so on, see if you can find them. Also, the title is usa (うさ, bunny) + Tei (the way the name Tewi is pronounced), so the result is turned into katakana ウサテイ. It could be read as Tewi rabbit or it could not, whatever.
I just love this song. It's so moving and it also features Tewi, which is my waifu aswell. I've got a very big heart, that's why I have so many... waivesu (?)
So I have this lovely gif I would like to share with you. ♥♥♥
I love this video ♥♥♥ because it features Tewi, which is my waifu as well. Some people told me once that my true fur-sona is, in fact, a rabbit, bunny or hare.
Anyway, it also shows the NEET boss Kaguya. It is well known that when she was defeated at the end of Imperishable Night, she was captured and then sent back to moon on 2007. (See video attached)
Here we have some Suika the oni punishing sin bags and drinking infinite amounts of sake. Yes, those naked men are her sexual slaves. We'll see ya' later, niggurs!
More memetic shit for you!♥♥♥
The title reads something like "Scarlet Devil Mansion Pad Countries" or I don't really know.
This:先進国 means developed countries I think, but nobody really cares anyway. Just enjoy and try not to die, please. Oh, yeah, Sakuya is known for wearing bra pads, so there's the story.
Another bonus for all the dare devils out there. The anime is Chargeman Ken! from the 70's. Don't thank me, please. ☺☺☺
Before you RAGEEE, let me tell you this is a japanese meme that derived from some sort of glitch on Golden Eye 007, where the character danced like on the videos. The original song is Promise by Hirose Kohmi. But it doesn't really matter, does it?
Lyrics (of full song anyway)
Pretty sweet video and song from Konagusuri featuring my waifu Nitori ♥♥♥. This video is incredibly fun, I just love Nitori's personality, although every Touhou character is kinda flat (in the sense they always behave the same way ☺☺). Maybe that's what's so attractive from all these characters, though, so I don't know. They are all about fantasy, sexual fantasy. Here are some of mine (remember imma Frog):
1. Nitori and Chiruno on my living room handing me a delicious strawberry birthday cake with a little mirror on top so I can see my face when I get it.
2. Alice and Nitori playing with some little robotic warrior dolls with my face on them, posing awaiting for my camera's snapshot.
3. Flandre licking her finger in a suggestive manner while wearing only a bra made of two of my faces to cover her prepubescent chest (maybe I should've added some green frog hands pressing towards her body as well).