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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Yukareimu's mayim mayim

Here's more of this lovely duo. I decided to use this video because of how well it's made. Notice how the author manages to turn a posibly monotonous video into one really cute and fun to watch. He manages to do so by making unexpected changes at the right time. Some examples:

  • The captions say Yuka Reimu Reimu*. That asterisk was unexpected.
  • You see how Yukari is happily dancing while Reimu seems to be ashamed but as the dance goes on, she loosens up.
  • The images in between each dance routine provide an interesting change of tone.
  • The author avoids having to end the dance with a bow or something silly by stopping the animation near the end (or maybe that's just how the video was uploaded since the original is a flash animation. Actually, maybe the original flash was looping endlessly, but who knows).
 You'll have to excuse me commenting on such insignificant details, but I study screenplay and narratory, so I  tend to focus on stupid things like that. Anyway, as usual I'm adding some pics~~

The best Touhou pics feature Reimu. Sadly, I don't have those pics. ;_;


  1. What a cute animation!

  2. Awesome never seen this anime before!

  3. I like your analysis, I hadn't noticed the shame/loosening up. Nice touch.

  4. I love how the dancing sync's with the music! You have a keen perspective to see all that!

  5. I dig the commentary, thanks man. Helped me appreciate it in a whole new light

  6. i love the videos you post... some of them are really catchy!

  7. im starting to get interested in anime :O

  8. Hehehe, love the pic with the little girl peeking

  9. This vid makes me want to bite my lip and get up and dance!

  10. Good stuff, love the last pic so badly too... Is that bad ??

  11. I gotta tell ya. I really don't get any of this.

  12. that that video does not show, this only beside me, or beside all so?

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