Continuing from the lasty entry about Touhou 1st Grand Prix, a sort of comedy show featuring Touhous released at Comiket. Speaking of Comiket, it has already started!
Damn, I wish I was in Japan right now buying tons of porn from those tiny fun looking people.
About the video, it basically features Flandre And Remi doing funny stuff and talking about saving Sakuya from a fire. Flandre is just lovely~~
They basically packed a whole bunch of references into 7 minutes. At first I thought they made obscure references to something only nips know, but no, some lines are just plain silly. So if you think some jokes are not really funny and they just forced fake laughters to it, you might be right. Still, it compensates with fast paced voices and random images showing up on screen, so it's pretty funny overall.
Flandre sitting on a bench receiving signal from Remi's cellphone.